Links for Employers
Employing An Apprentice - Information from the government's national website on funding, pay and conditions and more.
Apprenticeship Funding - Guidance on changes to the way apprenticeship funding works.
Find Apprenticeship Training - Employers can search for apprenticeship training and find training providers who offer that training.
Employer Incentive Payments for Hiring an Apprentice - Employers and training providers could be eligible for £1,000 each if they hire an eligible apprentice.
National Minimum Wage Rates - This site explains the National Minimum Wage laws that apply to apprentices and tells you the minimum that you need to pay.
Apprenticeship Standards - The Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education supports the development of new apprenticeship standards. You can search for all apprenticeship standards currently available and in development on this site.
Transform Skills Toolkit - SCTP – This Toolkit is designed to support organisations to invest in their skills and training needs, specifically apprenticeships and other government-funded training. This simple guide will help you understand what is available and how to access it.