01273 416989
SIGTA Limited, Abinger Road Portslade, Brighton BN41 1RZ
About Us
SIGTA are a training provider and work with companies offering apprenticeships – from Flight Simulator Technicians to Test Engineers, Micro-Electronics to Building Power Systems, Technical Design (CAD) to Healthcare Technicians keeping hospitals running. We offer ‘in business’ apprenticeships for office-based roles too. Our Training Officers visit you regularly in your workplace to help you gain your qualifications and most apprenticeships include day release.
We have a page on our website dedicated to schools which contains relevant information, and access to our monthly schools newsletters.
Provision Type
- Advanced Apprenticeships
Subject Specialisms
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Business Administration
Travel Area for School Visits
- East Sussex
- West Sussex
- Brighton and Hove
Target Year Groups
- Year 9
- Year 10
- Year 11
- Year 12/13/14